Disclaimer and Fraud Alert
It has come to our notice that fake job offers are been circulated on behalf of Lucas-TVS Limited by certain individuals/entities claiming they are representatives or under contract with Lucas-TVS Limited. Some fraudsters are using the name of Lucas-TVS Limited to solicit job applications and require the job seekers/applicants to pay processing fees or deposit amount by sending false e-mails or by making fraudulent telephone calls.
If any person receives any unsolicited or fraudulent communication offering a job or an interview call from Lucas-TVS Limited against payment of money, it is suggested not to respond. On receipt of an interview call for any job in Lucas-TVS Limited, the candidate may take some measures such as visiting our official website www.lucas-tvs.com to get the contact details to enquire with the human resources department about the interview details and other relevant information. We also wish to bring to the notice of all concerned that spam e-mails are being sent in the name of Lucas-TVS Limited with the intention of committing fraud and illegally obtaining confidential information and / or money from people. In case you receive any such requests for personal information via e-mail, purporting to be from Lucas-TVS Limited, you are advised to make sure it is genuine before responding.